Eye on Pop: Can you walk us through your typical songwriting process?
Monahlyan: I usually fill out the beat of the record, see where I'd fit and where to come in at. I start thinking of creative melodies that would complement the song and start different concepts that match the vibe or feeling I'm in.
Eye on Pop: Where do you find inspiration for your lyrics and melodies?
Monahlyan: It's usually straight from the producer. If I already have a concept or Idea in mind then I make sure to pick beats that revolve around that topic.
Eye on Pop: How do you know when a song is truly finished?
Monahlyan: Honestly, you never really know. I can always come back and add to different sections of the song. After I finish recording all parts of the song I usually go back in and add ad libs to complete the overall experience. I find myself as of lately stopping there and moving on to the next best record.
Eye on Pop: Who was your first major musical mentor, and what did you learn from them?
Monahlyan: Ariez O. Is a long-time good friend who is an award-winning rapper. He and I have worked countless times together. And what I find most influential in working with him is that he's persistent. He always makes me feel Like I need to be going more. And never give up. It's all love.
Eye on Pop: How do you typically come up with ideas for new songs or projects?
Monahlyan: I come up with ideas for new songs and projects usually when I feel the need to express myself in a certain kind of way. I start going off that emotional thrill.
Eye on Pop: What's your approach to writing lyrics, and what do you prioritize when crafting a song's narrative?
Monahlyan: My approach to writing my lyrics is sensual and seductive. I already know I'll have these two vibes going on no matter what. I like to talk about love and lust. I think it's because when I first met Ariez O. "Lust" was one of the first words he said while talking to me. And it still turns me on to this day.
Eye on Pop: How do you deal with self-doubt or moments of insecurity?
Monahlyan: I just stay to myself life goes on. The show must go on. Never give up.
Eye on Pop: What’s the most significant change you’ve seen in yourself since starting your music career?
Monahlyan: The need to be perfect has been the most significant change I've seen in myself. I always want to look and feel good. So when I write I can write music in confidence. Dressing up nice and buying me all that my heart desires to sustain my image for my fans and music.
Eye on Pop: What accomplishment in your career are you most proud of?
Monahlyan: Finishing my debut album "Science" has been a really great accomplishment for me. I now get to sit back and listen to my body of work and listen to all my flaws play back to me.
Eye on Pop: How do you handle criticism and feedback on your music?
Monahlyan: Ignore for the most part unless I trust you and feel confident in knowing you will lead me in the right direction.